Do You Want a Client with a 2% Mindset or 98% Mindset?

Do You Want a Client with a 2% Mindset or 98% Mindset?


Real Art Lovers don’t mind paying a premium for your art.  <bottle that up and affirm it everyday.

I saw the pic posted within this blog and started to think a bit more about what it could mean for artists and wanted to share it with you.

The reason why so many people scoff at the idea of paying high dollar for art is because they’ve been trained by our commerce system to look for the deal.

They’re not concerned with the origin of product, just the end result...familiarity...comfort. 

The image cited may resonate with you and sum up why things aren’t playing out like you want them to in your art business.

Frankly, this image pretty much sums up how the majority of people operate. 

Based on this image, it's safe to say that you should expect to receive support from a slim portion of people if we're talking about those who are willing to pay you the premium versus the other 98% percent who are comfortable with just liking your art on social media because it doesn't require much. 

Or paying what they feel is a “decent” price because there is no real sacrifice in doing that.

One thing I began to notice about people who paid what I asked with regards to my art is that they possessed more mindset attributes and displayed actions of those in the 2% category than those would fall in the 98%. 

Nothing about them was “regular”.

Now, if you approach your sales or marketing with this in mind, how would it change for you and your art?

How would it help you to identify your market? Based on the mindset attributes, which customer would you like to attract? 

Which pursuit do you think would be more pleasing to you?

Think about this and develop a strategy for both to help you determine what road you’re willing to take sacrificing the potential that could be had if you'd taken the other. 

Would it be worth it? 



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