

 Was the Art Class Worth It? 

Hey Boo.

Let’s say you’ve taken an art class offered by one of the many artists offering them these days.  #COVIDART

Chances are you took that class to improve some area you felt you were lacking in. Great.

My question to you: How do you know if you’ve improved? How do you know it worked? 

In fact, YOU should be asking yourself this question.

 It's easy to get into the habit of seeing your work and believing that it's okay but is it really? 

Before you take another class, be sure that your teacher provides some insight for you with regard to the type of results you will see and the benefits. 

You need to determine how to measure your results to see if the class was indeed effective and that your work is improving as a result.

Look I'm not gonna bullshit you, most of the time, the people telling you your work is good, don't want to hurt your feelings.  You either need to decide to stand on your bad art or do your best to get real feedback if your goal is improvement. 

If it's the latter, here are some tips you can take to see if  the class was worth it. 


1.      * Measure the responses you get from people over time. Begin paying attention to the response from admirers that hint to your growth in an affirmative stance. 

2.      *Do you find that you feel less anxiety and tension as you approach the creation process? Particularly in the area you sought to fix?

3.     *Ask the teacher if they will do a quick assessment for you, ask for feedback.  Be clear about your visual goal though to avoid hurt feelings.

4.      Some concepts are the same across the board…Test out, say if you paid to learn the skill of blending by using different mediums and see if it works for each one. 

      This should bless you...let me know if it did!   

F    xoxo Farrah

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