


.....Dollar Dollar Bills Queeeennns...

Stop being all over the place with your art. It’s really just that simple.

You painting naked women in fuchsias and neon’s, making art that is reminiscent of the 70’s, lips, black sci-fi art, diaspora art, throwback cartoons… girl.


Not only are you confusing your customer, you’re confusing yourself.

Look, I get it, being an artist means having a million, hundred, thousand ideas running through our heads at once, all the time.

But the truth?

This is total chaos and an attempt to act on these ideas? A recipe for total disaster.

When I say “Niche” it Down, I’m essentially saying, Choose Your Customer.

People or Customers rather, have a ton of interests, some more intense than others.

From cars, to planes, horses, foods, all kinds of things.

In fact, I’m certain, that if you google, “ketchup lovers” you’ll find a forum, group or website dedicated solely to ketchup lovers.

Think about your own interests and the things that you buy to suit your interests.

This is a niche.

A NICHE by definition is: “products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.”

Finding your specialized customer and catering to their interests with art is a sure way to own the category and potentially win BIG.

Yes, own the category and WIN!

Another Example.

We all know people LOVE pet’s right? Pet painting is VERY successful niche for artists.

Now think about, take it a step further, how many black women artists do you know who paint pet portraits?

Would you consider this marketability?

Truth is, I’m certain there aren’t many. This is an open lane sis. *Hint Hint*

Take it and run! Apply your unique touch to the niche. Brand yourself in the proper way for your customer and get yourself out there with smart marketing.

Fear of Niche’ing

Now, drilling down your art to a specific category may be fearful for you. You’re probably thinking, well, what if there is no one in this category to generate business for me or what if this pigeonholes me into a box I can’t get out of.

Stop. These things only happen if you let them. Pivoting may need to happen. If a niche doesn’t work, it doesn’t take away your talent. Right? Your talent is unique to YOU girl…celebrate itTweet This

Simply pivot and try something new.

Also, be sure to do proper Market Research for your niche and make sure it’s viable. This is called performing your due diligence.

This will settle any fears you have.

So let’s review.

What it means to “Niche Down” and how do you do it?

Choose your customer by finding a specialized interest to serve. Research the interests by performing market research.

What are the benefits of “Niche’ing” Down?

Own the category and become the “Go to” for it.

How do you dispel your Fear of Niche’ing Down?

Pivot (if anything you’ll have a variant in your collection)

BONUS!!!!!!!!! BONUS!!!!!!!!!!! BONUS!!!!!!!!!

Now, also as promised along with giving you good content. I’m going to give you one niche suggestion you can consider jumping in to with your artistry.

Astrological Art


People live by their astrological signs. We allow them to inform how we move, and even decisions we make.


1/3 of Americans believe in astrology

Executives and professionals lean on its existence most

41% of Adult American believe in astrology

75% percent of astrology consumers are women (80% percent of women make most of the household purchasing decisions)

American’s spend $100 million on astrology per year

38 million people spend 44 billion annually on new age products and services

Astrology products are unique because they cut across demographic lines

Astrology and horoscope are consistently among the most search topics on the internet

Astrology allows for vertical market application and the creation of specific subject matter to target audiences.

Search words

Astrological art search number > 1300

Zodiac art search number >2900

Horoscope art> 480

Gemstone art> 720

Birthstone art>30


Instagram Hashtag interest

Horoscope -1.5Mil posts

Horoscopes-605k posts

Zodiac art – 12.4k posts

Astrologyart-8071 posts

Etsy Interest

Zodiac Art -26,464 items found

Horoscope art – 8491 items found

Got more questions? Comment below. Want to take that Astrological Art suggestion further and need a strategy?

Click the image and book a 1 hour session with me and let's discuss putting some astrological dollars in your pocket!

I’d like to know if this post helped you think more about how you can move in this art business…that’s always my goals with articles in the library.



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