





The issue of confidence for an artist is a big one.  This directly translates into mindset.  And while a lot of people like to use "comparison" as a driving factor behind this dilemma, I believe that it's actually because as an artist you're just not clear about your specialty. 

Look, we all know that there is art out there for just about anyone.  Marinate on that truth. Wash it up, dry it, dress it and put it on.    That truth, and it is a truth should erase a degree of doubt instantly.  

Your confidence as an artist will build when you get clear about what it is you have been endowed to create and how you're going to disseminate it.  

And I'm not talking following the path of the typical art business template.  You know, make a product, find a market, find a way to accept payments, fulfill and boom. 

 Your job as an artist is to take the creativity inside you and apply it to your business.  If you're reading this blog, then you're here for that reason.

Following the template is fine, but how will you make the template special, how will you make it your own? 

Answer this question.  

An example of this, is an artist who specializes in painting beautiful flowers, discovers they like it, their admirers love it and takes the path to teach it with the idea that artists can spread the same love and beauty of flowers to those she can't reach. 

If you're experiencing doubt, remember the truth I mentioned above. Your urge to create is burning inside of you for a reason.  

nourish that reason. 

#artistmindset #entrepreneurmindset #artconfidence #creativeblocks 


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